
Switch is the world’s first workspace on-demand platform. Switch unlocks productivity by unlocking workspace all over the city. With two taps in the Switch app, Switch Members can check in and out of workspaces on a pay-per-minute basis. On the demand side, large corporations and individual consumers use Switch to ‘Work From Anywhere’ and ‘Work Near Home’. On the supply side, space providers such as co-working, serviced office, traditional office, shopping mall, hotel and co-living operators offer four types of workspaces: hot desks, meeting rooms, private offices and smart work booths.


The Switch team has a proven track record in inventing and commercializing technologies and business models in the real estate industry. The Switch team is led by the former leadership and team members of WeWork China Technology team, including those responsible for positioning naked Hub as the dominant technology-forward coworking brand in Asia prior to its acquisition by WeWork.

For business partnership, please email contact@switch.site


Switch’s mission is to build the future of real estate where people consume space as a service, paying only when and where they need it.

Shanghai Office

6391 Elgin St. Celina,
LoremIpsum 10299

Singapore Office

1901 Thornridge Cir. Shiloh,
LoremIpsum 81063

Taipei Office

6391 Elgin St. Celina,
LoremIpsum 10299


Switch is backed by four of the largest property companies in Asia.